


The term professional ethics refers to the set of ethical principles and rules that manage and guide a professional activity. Here is the one from Institutions & Strategies



The firm shall act independently of any special or commercial interest which may affect its intervention. If not, it opens to the customer


The firm is careful to offer our clients the service closest to their needs and to adapt it according to their evolutions.


Once our service is defined with our clients, the firm carries out with the commitment and professionalism that our clients are entitled to expect.


Le cabinet respecte la propriété intellectuelle de ses clients et est tenu à l’obligation de confidentialité sur ses interventions.


The Institutions & Strategies firm only accepts missions within its field of competence. It guarantees the skills of its employees as well as the methods and tools implemented.


Nous adaptons notre prestation en dialoguant avec nos clients : nous nous entendons ensemble sur les objectifs, les moyens à mettre en œuvre, les délais et les coûts. Nous communiquons régulièrement à nos clients l’état d’avancement de nos missions et nous répondons à leurs attentes.

Our charters

in addition the firm Institutions & Strategies is signatory of several professional charters
  • The members of the CINOV Federation undertake to respect in the exercise of their profession the moral obligations of the code of ethics of the International Federation of Consulting Engineers (FIDIC)..

    To be fully effective, the Consulting Engineer must receive fair compensation and:

    1. Accept the responsibility of the profession vis-à-vis society.
    2. Seek solutions that are consistent with the principles of sustainable development.
    3. Maintain knowledge and competence at a level related to the development of technology, legislation and business conduct, and apply required competence, attention and diligence in services rendered to clients.
    4. Maintenir sa connaissance et sa compétence à un niveau en rapport avec le développement de la technologie, de la législation et de la conduite des affaires, et appliquer compétence, attention et diligence requises dans les services rendus aux clients.
    5. Refrain from providing services for which he would not have the required skills.
    6. Act in all circumstances in the legitimate interest of the client, provide and carry out professional tasks with integrity and loyalty.
    7. Be impartial when issuing a professional opinion, judgment or decision.
    8. Inform the client of any conflict of interest that may arise in the performance of their duties.
    9. Do not accept any remuneration that could affect the independence of the judgment.
    10. Promote the concept of selection through competence
    11. Neither negligently nor intentionally, never harm the reputation or work of others.
    12. To compete with his colleagues only loyally, in compliance with the professional code of ethics.
    13. Only resume a colleague’s work if specifically requested by the client..
    14. Faced with the request to revise the work of a colleague, behave in compliance with professional conduct worthy of the rules of etiquette

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  • Since 1991, the Charter of the Association Française des Conseils en Lobbying et Affaires Publiques has been the pivot around which the councils sharing a common, rigorous and innovative ethical vision of their activity have gathered. Revised several times, this Charter has always sought to uphold the principles of transparency, integrity and respect for the independence of the public decision-making process. The 2017 revision of the Charter aimed in particular to take into account the definition of representative of interests, introduced in French law by the law of 9 December 2016.

    Article 1 : Définition

    Lobbying and public affairs aim to represent the interests of a company, professional organization, association or public body to public decision-makers through a balanced and contradictory sharing of information.

    The Lobbying and Public Affairs Council advises businesses, professional organizations, associations or public bodies and offers strategic and operational support to accompany them.

    It deploys different expertise relating to the representation of interests but also to relations with stakeholders, monitoring, the production of arguments and, more generally, strategic communication.

    Exercise of the profession

    Article 2: Professional Status

    The lobbying and public affairs advisory profession may be exercised either as an individual or as a partner or employee in a consulting company.

    Article 3: Professional Probity

    The Lobbying and Public Affairs Board conducts its business with integrity and probity.

    Article 4: Professional incompatibilities

    The practice of the lobbying and public affairs consulting profession is inconsistent with:

    • any national, European elective political mandate within a regional, departmental, metropolitan, Paris or Lyon or Marseille municipal councils;
    • any employment within the Presidency of the Republic, a ministerial cabinet, parliamentary assemblies, or with the executive bodies of local authorities, in public functions, within an independent administrative or public authority or political party.

    The Lobbying and Public Affairs Council holding a local elected mandate shall refrain from any mission in connection with its electoral territory.

    Article 5: Lack of remuneration of elected officials and public officials

    The Lobbying and Public Affairs Board shall not remunerate, on a permanent or temporary basis and in any form:

    • any person holding a national, European elected political mandate within a regional, departmental, metropolitan, Paris or Lyon or Marseille municipal council;
    • any employee of the President of the Republic, member of a ministerial cabinet, parliamentary collaborator, member or collaborator of an executive body of territorial authority, an independent administrative or public authority or a political party.

    The Lobbying and Public Affairs Council shall comply with the applicable rules with respect to the assignment of ad hoc expertise of representatives of the public service or the recruitment of former public servants.

    Article 6: Obligation of means

    The Lobbying and Public Affairs Council recommends the strategy and means necessary to achieve the objectives of its clients. It participates in the implementation of the missions defined jointly with its clients. It is subject to an obligation of means.


    Relations with the institutions

    Section 7: Registration, Advertising and Control

    The Lobbying and Public Affairs Council shall register in the digital directory of interest representatives, declare the identity of its clients, when it engages in interest representation activities for them that meet the criteria set out in the texts, and any other information required.

    It shall also comply with the principles and rules of professional conduct associated therewith and shall submit to the supervision of the High Authority for the transparency of public life, such as Parliamentary Assemblies, for the rules applicable to representatives of interests with regard to each of them.

    Article 8: Transparency in contacts and access to institutions

    In its contacts with representatives of public authorities and elected officials, the Lobbying and Public Affairs Council declares its identity and the interests it represents.

    Lobbying and public affairs advice does not require special or privileged access to institutions.

    It shall comply with the rules on access and movement in force within the institutions, in particular those applicable to representatives of interests.

    Section 9: Compliance with Regulations and Codes of Conduct

    The Lobbying and Public Affairs Council shall comply with the legislation in force, the rules of procedure of the representative assemblies and national, European and international institutions, as well as the deliberations of the High Authority for the Transparency of Public Life.

    It shall take account of the opinions of the High Authority on the transparency of public life and of the ethics of parliamentary assemblies.

    Article 10: Official documents, conferences, clubs and invitations

    The Lobbying and Public Affairs Council shall comply with the rules in force for obtaining and disseminating official documents and shall, in particular, refrain from distributing them for profit.

    It is also prohibited to organize, within the institutions, symposia, meetings, clubs and events during which external participants would be invited to intervene subject to financial participation.

    Furthermore, the use for commercial purposes of this conference, club or event, any official logo or any reference to an institution, such as the parliamentary term for example, is prohibited.

    It ensures a pluralistic and non-partisan approach, transparent and fair in the conditions of registration or membership in the conferences, clubs and events it organises.

    It undertakes to make public the names of the financial partners of these events, on a website or on the venue of these events.

    Finally, it is obliged to inform parliamentarians and public actors of the cost of invitations addressed to them in order to enable them to comply with their own reporting obligations.


    Article 11: Conflict of Interest Between Missions

    In the event of a risk of conflict of interest between its clients on similar or competing objectives, the Lobbying and Public Affairs Board is obliged to inform and respond to them in good coordination with them.

    Article 12: Obligation of confidentiality

    Due to the strategic nature of the files dealt with, the Lobbying and Public Affairs Board is bound by a duty of reservation, a duty of confidentiality and, often, solicitor-client privilege.

    Article 13 : Compliance with Good Practices, Laws and Regulations

    The Lobbying and Public Affairs Council attracts the attention of its client when its objectives or the means envisaged to achieve them, without being contrary to any use or rule, are inappropriate or disproportionate.

    When they are contrary to good professional practices or the regulations and laws in force, he alerts his client and forbids himself to participate.

    Article 14: Integrity of Information Transmitted

    The Lobbying and Public Affairs Council undertakes to disseminate or relay only the most honest and rigorous information available, on the basis of what companies, professional organizations, associations or public bodies having recourse to its services shall make available to it.

    Article 15: Compliance with the Charter and possible sanctions

    Each member of the AFCL undertakes to respect the principles set out in this Charter in each of the tasks entrusted to him or her and to enforce them within his or her consulting company.

    Any breach of these principles is liable to a suspension of membership, pronounced by the bureau of the AFCL, or even a cancellation of the association, pronounced by the General Assembly of the AFCL.

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    FIDIC Code of Ethics

    The International Federation of Consulting Engineers recognises that the work of the consulting engineering industry is critical to the achievement of sustainable development of society and the environment.

    To be fully effective not only must engineers constantly improve their knowledge and skills, but also society must respect the integrity and trust the judgement of members of the profession and remunerate them fairly.

    All member associations of FIDIC subscribe to and believe that the following principles are fundamental to the behaviour of their members if society is to have that necessary confidence in its advisors.


    The consulting engineer shall:

    – Accept the responsibility of the consulting industry to society.
    – Seek solutions that are compatible with the principles of sustainable development. – At all times uphold the dignity, standing and reputation of the consulting industry.


    The consulting engineer shall:

    – Maintain knowledge and skills at levels consistent with development in technology, legislation and management, and apply due skill, care and diligence in the services rendered to the client.

    – Perform services only when competent to perform them.


    The consulting engineer shall:

    – Act at all times in the legitimate interest of the client and provide all services with integrity and faithfulness.

    Competence Impartiality

    Fairness to Others

    Integrity Responsibility

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    The consulting engineer shall:

    – Be impartial in the provision of professional advice, judgement or decision.
    – Inform the client of any potential conflict of interest that might arise in the performance of services

    to the client.
    – Not accept remuneration which prejudices independent judgement.


    The consulting engineer shall:

    – Promote the concept of “Quality-Based Selection” (QBS).
    – Neither carelessly nor intentionally do anything to injure the reputation or business of others.
    – Neither directly nor indirectly attempt to take the place of another consulting engineer, already

    appointed for a specific work.
    – Not take over the work of another consulting engineer before notifying the consulting engineer

    in question, and without being advised in writing by the client of the termination of the prior

    appointment for that work.
    – In the event of being asked to review the work of another, behave in accordance with appropriate

    conduct and courtesy.


    The consulting engineer shall:

    – Neither offer nor accept remuneration of any kind which in perception or in effect either a) seeks to influence the process of selection or compensation of consulting engineers and/or their clients or b) seeks to affect the consulting engineer’s impartial judgement.

    – Co-operate fully with any legitimately constituted investigative body which makes inquiry into the administration of any contract for services or construction.

    See more at:


    Competence Impartiality

    Fairness to Others

    Integrity Responsibility
